Business Valuation

There may come a time if your company’s lifecycle when you’re looking to expand, build a stronger foundation, take a step back, or sell up entirely. Whichever position you are, we can help you sail through the process smoothly. Whether you are merging, buying or selling, proper due diligence, business valuation and planning are critical to your continued success.

Whether your business is a company, an LLP, a partnership or a sole trader, there are many reasons why you may need a valuation.

When you need a business valuation or an intangible asset valuation, you want it to be carried out by a team you can trust and that has proven expertise in this complex area. Whatever your valuation needs, we will apply our recognised analytical skills and conduct a thorough investigation using the techniques best suited to your situation to ensure you receive a valuation you can rely on.

Each business is unique, our valuation experts develop a thorough understanding of the business in order to build a detailed picture of its underlying drivers of value at both a macro and micro level. Our team use commonly accepted valuation methods – typically market multiples and DCF, and deploy market best tools and resources to produce highly robust and accurate valuation.

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Business Valuation